If you want to grow your business, you need to reach out to prospects that are complete strangers to you. You see, the bulk of your business (and later repeat business) is going to come from these prospects. The challenge here is two-fold. One – you need to draw their attention to your brand. Two – You need to build trust with them. In this article, we will explore the strategy of Repurposing Social Media Content to attract quality clients.
The Need to Build a Relationship With Your Prospect
Normally, a stranger would buy from you only after getting acquainted with you, and not before that. So now, it’s upto you to you to get your prospects acquainted with you. The thing we aim for is to take your relationship with your prospects to that level. This will give you a shot at pitching your offering to them.
It would be a mistake to pitch your offerings to a prospects when you don’t have a relationship with them. If you try to pitch your offerings to them before you take your relationship to that point, they are going to ignore you and your offering.
Digital Marketing Strategy to Attract your Prospects
There are several strategies to attract prospects to you. This one involves you hanging out on the same social media sites that your prospect hangs out on. This will make you visible to them, if they you post content that they find interesting.

As explained in the above graphic, you can choose any 3-4 social media platforms, post consistently and link out to your website. The 4 social media platforms mentioned are for example sake only. Use whichever once you think are right for your business.
Once they start getting to know you through your social media posts, you can nudge them to visit your website. Your website is your digital asset on cyberspace where your branded business is presented to your visitors .
Your prospects are going to understand you, your team, your business areas, your successes, etc. on your website. This entire interaction is going to get them into a state of deeper level of acquaintance with you. You can pitch your services and offerings to them only when they get acquainted with you. Only then, they will view your content favorably. This will take them on the path of converting from a prospect to a paying client.
The Crucial Success Factor is Content
In order to keep your prospect engaged, you have to craft great content on both – Social media platforms that you are present on, and your website.
But, would it not be difficult to create unique content consistently on each of the channels? True! Social media channels will promote your posts only if you post consistently. This is going to be difficult when you are on too many social media channels.
The good news is that you dont have to craft unique content on all your channels! You can keep reusing your existing content on one channel onto another. How to do that is precisely the Repurposing Social Media Content Strategy.
What is Repurposing Social Media Content
Repurposing Content means is taking an existing piece of content that you have crafted, and modify it on your social media channels in a way that it blends with the basic nature of that social media channel.
This works the reverse way too. You can take a smartly created post on your social media channel and insert the gist of it on the blog post (or any other relevant page) of your website.
The Benefits of Repurposing Social Media Content
Repurposing Content for social media serves 2 distinct purposes:
The first and obvious one is saving the effort in recreating unique content on all social media channels. The second, and even more important benefit is the uniformly consistent propogation of your marketing message across all channels.
Uniformity and Consistency are crucial in building a great brand. Repurposing content for social media serves just that.
Repurposing Social Media Content – Examples
There is no end to the different creative ways in which we can repurpose content. I am enlisting a few, with the intention of jogging the creative side of your brain to create more and more of such hybridizations.
Quora Answer to Blog Post
Visit Quora and find out some questions that are being asked regarding topics in your line of business. Create a 700-1000 word article as a blog on your website, which would serve as a detailed answer to this question.
Now get back to Quora and start to answer the same question, but just put out the gist of the answer in like 200-250 words. Then, specify that the detailed answer is on your website, and then link out from your Quora to that blog post on the website.
Blog Post to Twitter
Open one of your detailed blog posts on your website, and see how you can creatively make 5-20 tweets from the gist of the same post. If your tweeting frequency is like 3 times a week, then you have between 6-7 weeks of tweet content ready already!
Twitter to Blog Post
The reverse works nicely too. If you have put up an insightful tweet on your Twitter account, you can weave a compelling story on the topic of the tweet and put that up as a blog post. In other words, a tweet can turn out to be a compelling blog post idea.
YouTube Video to Blog Post
As a YouTube content creator, you are generally anxious of getting new ideas on which to make videos. What you can do is just look at the titles of your blogs and see if you can weave a narrative on that, which could be useful to your viewers.
Alternatively, see if you can make videos on certain topics on which you already have a blog post.
YouTube Shorts from Original YouTube Videos
Take your existing YouTube video and see if you can identify a 30-45 second segment that can serve as a short content clip. Assuming you already have the original YT video on your desktop, clip the relavent section and put it up on YouTube as a video short.
To make things more exciting, cut out the important last part of the YouTube short. The viewers would be so excited to get to the end that they will search for the longer clip and watch it!
This will increase Search Impressions on the YouTube algorithm, resulting in the algorithm promoting your long form video to a wider audience.
YouTube Videos to Podcast
This one is super simple. Take your YouTube mp4 that you have uploaded on YouTube, and then just convert the mp4 to an mp3 (Audio File). Voila, you have a Podcast!
Concluding Remarks
What we discussed in this article basically was to create compelling content around your social media channels, and route your viewers to your website. As your viewers get more and more interested in your content, they will inevitably get interested in your business and what your business has to offer. In this curiosity, you are building credibility and trust for yourself. This gets your prospect in receiving mode, where you can pitch your offer to them and then close the sale.
Content is important in the above strategy. So, we discussed how to take your content that you had crafted either on your social media platform, or your website and repurpose it across for consistent brand messaging.